
Beyers Koffie is a well-known name within the Belgian retail. We combine passion with craftsmanship and are serious about taking coffee further.
Since 1880, Beyers Koffie has been importing and roasting green coffee, turning it into the most exquisite blends. You can choose from a variety of coffee types, flavors and packaging. Every coffee lover will find what they are looking for - and more.
We are continuously pushing what's possible and have decided yet years ago to produce all our coffees CO2-neutral. We want to set an example and make sustainable coffee the norm. We reduce our footprint by providing you with more responsible coffees.

The coffee requirements from one person to another can be entirely different. That’s why Beyers Koffie has created a range specifically to fit everyone’s needs.
Delicious coffees for each taste and preference. All these products are climate neutral, rainforest alliance certified and traceable back to their origin.

Since 1991 we have proven time and again that we take coffee further. Did you know that Beyers Koffie was the first to become a member of Max Havelaar Belgium? This Fairtrade label we still wear proudly.
Why Fairtrade? In Belgium 79% of the consumers know Fairtrade, 89% trust Fairtrade and 88% claim to buy Fairtrade products on a regular basis (source Globescan & GfK studies 2021, published by Fairtrade Belgium).

Beyers offers ground coffees to retailers both in softpack as vacuum. These blends are carefully selected to deliver consistent quality, cup after cup.
Our coffees are climate neutral, rainforest alliance certified. The softpacks are also traceable back to their origin.

To celebrate Antwerp as European Capital of Culture, Beyers Koffie launched Café d’Anvers in 1993 – an aromatic coffee blend based on an authentic recipe from 1903. The launch was a great success and this coffee is still the favorite in many kitchens in Antwerp and far beyond.
Café d’Anvers completes the range that Beyers Koffie offers as ground coffee in vacuum packs, next to Dessert and Decafine.
download the beyers coffee product catalog
Find out everything about Beyers' extensive product range. The downloadable product overview offers you all the insights, from taste profiles to logistical details.

250 grams of ground coffee
Decaf, Dessert, Café d’Anvers

1 kilogram ground coffee
Aroma Vending, Aroma

1 kilogram coffee beans
Dessert, Decaf, Espresso Di Napoli, Espresso Fortisimo, Fairtrade Espresso, Moka